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RO Low Tide

Picture Taken: 5/14/2024

DOB: 4/06/2022  
Color: Black and white  
Exposed to: Spotted Thunder (12/05/23)
Next Rush (8/20/24)
Price: $4000  


Pedigree of RO Low Tide                DOB: 4/06/2022

      Over Head
    Over Kill  
      Field Of Pearls
Non Stop
      Top Caliber
    Obvious Top  
      Obviously Fultz
RO Low Tide      
      Tornado Alley
    Rolling Thunder  
      Creole Dixie Lee
RO Roll Tide
      Winner's Edge
    CO Lilac  
      CO Lilly

Description of RO Low Tide: Low Tide has really nice parents and great black and white color. She should make a tremendous cow.

Other pictures:








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Rocking O Longhorns - Home of "Pretty and Productive" Cattle
Lockhart, TX
Contact Ross at  or  (512) 791-7118
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