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Texas Longhorn Package Deals and Starter Herds
Updated 3/22/25

*Prices are subject to change*

At Rocking O Longhorns, we take great pride in helping our customers get started in the Texas Longhorn breed.
Our customers get a lot of enjoyment out of their cattle, and most keep their longhorns for a long time. Quite a few have gone on to be industry leading breeders.
Our mentor Bob Coffee (the 1999 TLBAA Breeder Of The Year) was known for helping people get started with a great set of cattle and for being available to answer their questions before and after a sale. We strive to be like Mr. Coffee and want to do our part to help the Texas Longhorn breed thrive.

We feel the best herds are made of great cattle that compliment each other well.
When putting these packages together, we think about the ways these cattle compliment each other.

We enjoy customizing packages and starter herds for our customers.

Update (3/22/25)

We have sold a lot of cattle recently and need to update our packages.
If you are looking for a group purchase, please contact Ross at (512) 791-7118 or at to get a package customized for you.


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Rocking O Longhorns - Home of "Pretty and Productive" Cattle
Lockhart, TX
Contact Ross at  or  (512) 791-7118
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