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Texas Longhorn Semen
*Prices are subject to change*

This page shows some of the great herd sires in the breed, both past and present, on which we have semen for sale.
Unless noted, all semen is located at Elgin Breeding Services. Transportation will be at the expense of the buyer.


Conventional Semen (Conventional meaning not heifer sexed, so the odds of a heifer or bull calf are roughly 50/50):

LLL Lucky
(Maximus ST x B.C. Lucky Lady)
DOB: 3/02/2007
$500 per straw
LLL Lucky was breaking records for horn growth before he died at a very young age. Limited semen was collected on him, and it was selling for as much as $5000 after his death. Due to his untimely death and limited semen collection, he has a limited number of offspring. Even so, he produced Delta Lucky Lady who was PO'ed at $160,000 in 2014, and Delta Lucky Ace who became one of the highest selling bulls of all time at $125,000 in 2021. We were fortunate to have been able to acquire some of the limited semen on LLL Lucky as part of our Buckhorn herd purchase in 2021. Lucky was co-owned by Buckhorn Cattle Company and Lazy L Longhorns.

Patton HB
(RHF Sharp Shooter x TCC Shelly's Blue Roan)
DOB: 5/01/2014
94 7/8" ttt!!!
$200 per straw or 6 for $1000
Patton is a horn showcase champion and one of the longest horned bulls in the breed. He is moderate framed with very nice conformation. His blue roan color is popular and hard to come by. We were very fortunate to have been able to purchase Patton when we acquired the Buckhorn Cattle Company herd. We have him with some terrific females and are proud to offer semen on him.  

Farlap Chex
(Monarch 103 x Dark Star B R3)
DOB: 10/08/2000
$50 per straw or 10 for $300
Farlap Chex is a legend in the Butler community. He is beautiful and produced some tremendous offspring, both full Butler and blended. He is the great grandsire of the longest horned bull in the world Cowboy Tuff Chex and the grandsire to BL Rio Catchit who was the longest horned cow in the breed for several years. He has an ability to produce striking colors that is hard to find. He is from a previous generation, but his semen is still very much in demand.

G&L Painted Savage
(G&L Scully x G&L Smitten Kitten)
DOB: 1/03/2012
$100 per straw
Painted Savage is one of the most complete bulls in the industry today. At 86" tip to tip, he has plenty of horn. He has a great disposition. he has beautiful tri-colored spotting. He is bigger bodied with bice conformation. We really like Painted Savage, and based on our semen sales, a lot of other people do too!

Heifer Sexed Semen (this does not guarantee a heifer calf, but we are told the odds are about 90% of getting a heifer):

Chard Iron
(Drag Iron x Finely Forever)
DOB: 4/29/2012 
$350 per straw
Chard Iron is our headline herd sire. We love him for his color, his larger size, his twist horn genetics, his dam's excellent milking ability, his wonderful disposition, and his smooth stride. He is simply a joy to have in our pasture, and we love his calves. His semen has been very popular. DCT Longhorns sold out of his heifer sexed semen (they were his previous owners and are the first the ones who collected him). We have just now collected him for a second time. We plan to keep some of the semen for ourselves, but we want to offer some for sale as well. Even at age 12, his semen was strong enough to collect very well for heifer sexed. Here is a recent picture of a couple of his heifers. He is an amazing producer!

Rio Diego
(JP Rio Grande x Barsubas Black Velvet)
DOB: 3/08/2007
$150 per straw or 10 for $1000
Rio Diego was one of the longest horned bull in the breed when he was young. In addition to that, he has very desirable stocky confirmation. Some of our very best cows have been daughters and granddaughters of this great bull. His daughters have great dispositions. They are broad and easy keepers. The color has been nice. The horn has been excellent. He is just a great bull. We plan to use his heifer sexed semen in our herd to produce more beautiful daughters of his.

G&L Painted Savage
(G&L Scully x G&L Smitten Kitten)
DOB: 1/03/2012
$350 per straw (only 2 left)
Painted Savage is one of the most complete bulls in the industry today. At 86" tip to tip, he has plenty of horn. He has a great disposition. he has beautiful tri-colored spotting. He is bigger bodied with nice conformation. His conventional semen sales have been very popular. We just recently decided to list our two heifer sexed straws for sale.


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Lockhart, TX
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