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*Prices are subject to change*

This page shows some of the embryos we are offering for sale.
All of the embryos we currently have available were produced with heifer sexed semen, which increases the chance of a heifer calf to about 90% instead of 50%.
Frozen embryos are not guaranteed to result in a calf. We have been told the expected conception rate is somewhere between 33% and 50%.


Heifer Sexed Embryos (this does not guarantee a heifer calf, but we are told the odds are about 90% of getting a heifer):

Hubbells 20 Gauge x BRR Becca's Tuff Miss
$2000 each

BRR Becca's Tuff Miss is arguably the best daughter of the wonderful JBM Becca, a world show champion with huge horns. She was owned by John Marshall of Blue Ridge Ranch and was one of the premier cows in the breed for a number of years. We think she and 20 Gauge will be a home run!

Hubbells 20 Gauge

BRR Becca's Tuff Miss
(BRR Brandy's Tuff Boy x JBM Becca II)
DOB: 4/01/2017


Hubbells 20 Gauge x TC Ritzy Dixie
$3000 each

We purchased TC Ritzy Dixie from Tom Christopher as a heifer. He had paid $39,000 for her dam and told us that her calves were always his best and sold first. We loved Ritzy Dixie as a heifer and were very excited to add her to our herd. She has exceeded our expectations with her beautiful calves. She and JR Laredo gave us nine wonderful heifers, including a set of twins. One of them measured 84 1/2" tip to tip before 3 1/2 years of age. Ritzy Dixie has been one of our very best producers in the time we have owned her. We think she is a great pairing with the handsome Hubbells 20 Gauge. His calves have been some of the best sellers at auctions, and we think his darker pigments and thicker body are going to really click with Ritzy Dixie. They gave us a lot of embryos, and we have decided to offer a few for sale.

Hubbells 20 Gauge

TC Ritzy Dixie
(JP Grand Richy x Heart of Dixie 11/11)
DOB: 3/19/2010

MC Hangin Tuff x LLL Sittin Pretty
$7500 each

This is the cream of the crop when it comes to horn production, and you should get an attractive body type as a bonus. LLL Sittin Pretty's 2014 daughter LLL Pretty Lady was the 12th cow in the breed to reach 100" tip to tip, and she did it as a 6 year old. She is currently the 7th longest horned cow tip to tip in the longhorn breed. The sire of this mating, MC Hangin Tuff, is the second longest horned bull in the breed (as of summer 2022). He is on pace to surpass the longest horned bull, his sire Cowboy Tuff Chex. His is a well built bull with nice color. This should be an incredible calf! These embryos have sold out twice, and the one heifer calf we had from this mating sold at a few days of age. We may have more of these embryos in the future, but for now they are sold out. Update - we have a couple new embryos available.

MC Hangin Tuff
over 100" tip to tip

LLL Sittin Pretty
(Rio Diego x Sittin Time)

DOB: 2/12/2011


MC Hangin Tuff x RO Summer Sparkler
$7500 each

Summer Sparkler is hard to beat. She will soon be 90" tip to tip with great color, a great body, and a great production record. Her maternal line is one of our best, and her paternal line is one of El Coyote's best. MC Hangin Tuff is on pace to be the longest horned bull in the breed in a few years. This should be a very special mating. Note - we sold out of these embryos but recently collected more with our best IVF round ever with this mating in the fall of 2022. We plan to use most of the embryos in our recips but are offering a few for sale.

MC Hangin Tuff
over 100" tip to tip

RO Summer Sparkler
(Augustus ECR x CO Firecracker)
DOB: 11/27/2014


Cut'n Dried x RO Summer Sparkler
$7500 each
(only 1 left)

Summer Sparkler is hard to beat. She will soon be 90" tip to tip with great color, a great body, and a great production record. Her maternal line is one of our best, and her paternal line is one of El Coyote's best. The sire of this mating, Cut'n Dried is the 5th longest horned bull in the breed and an own son of the longest horned bull Cowboy Tuff Chex. He is very big bodied as well. His dam Dragon Pearl is considered the best producer in the breed by some for the exceptional size and horn on her calves. These calves should be very special!

Cut'n Dried
100" tip to tip and over 2300 pounds

RO Summer Sparkler
(Augustus ECR x CO Firecracker)
DOB: 11/27/2014


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Lockhart, TX
Contact Ross at  or  (512) 791-7118
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