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Next Rush

Picture Courtesy of Dickinson Cattle Company

DOB: 6/15/2021  
Color: Brindle and white  
Horns: 83 1/8" on 8/05/24
Weighed 1762 on 8/05/24

82 1/8" on 6/06/24
72 5/8" on 6/20/23
38 1/4" on 6/07/22
Price: Not For Sale  


Pedigree of Next Rush             DOB: 6/15/2021

      Cowboy Chex
    Cowboy Tuff Chex  
      BL Rio Catchit
  Drop Box    
      WS Jamakizm

Jam Packed

      Win W Bliss
Next Rush      
      Clear Win
    Clear Point  
      Idle Frenzie
  Havana Night    
      Riverforks Hired Gun
      Black Head Bogia

Description of Next Rush: Next Rush is one of the rare bulls we come across that we can see staying in our herd for their lifetime. We are very grateful to Dickinson Cattle Compamy for selling us this great young sire. He is the only 2021 bull they retained for their own use. 2018 TLBAA Breeder Of The Year John Oliver was at the Dickinson's in the spring of 2024. When we saw him shortly after that, he told us Next Rush really caught his eye (Bluegrass Futurity judges obviously felt that way too when he won his class of 14 at the 2023 futurity). A short time later he was headed to Rocking O. There is so much to like about this bull. His body and horn are elite. He is super thick, balanced, and clean. He is on pace to weigh over a ton and measure will into the 90's tip to tip. It is rare that a bull with those traits also has the eye appealing conformation of Next Rush. He is going to make his mark on our breed!

Other pictures:



Champion bull at the 2023 ORVTLA show

How about this disposition?






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Rocking O Longhorns - Home of "Pretty and Productive" Cattle
Lockhart, TX
Contact Ross at  or  (512) 791-7118
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