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Club 80

Rocking O Longhorns is the home of "Pretty and Productive" cattle.
Horn length is not our sole focus, but we value it and have used it to measure improvement within our herd.
This page shows the Rocking O bulls and cows that we have measured at 80" or more tip to tip. We are proud of the overall quality within this group.

CV Casanova's Magnum
(CV Cowboy Casanova x Hubbells Rio Taffy III)
DOB: 10/11/2012 
The second bull ever to reach 90" tip to tip!
96 7/8" ttt
on 12/17/24

Colt 45
(CV Casanova's Magnum x CO Alamo's Rose)
DOB: 9/25/2020
87 3/4" on 10/29/24

MC Mr. Bojangles
(MC Hangin Tuff x MC Bertha)
DOB: 4/17/2021
85 1/2" on 12/25/24

Next Rush
(Drop Box x Havana Night)
DOB: 6/15/2021
83 1/8" on 8/05/24

Prince Harry
(Stockman BCB x ECR Rebel Heiress)
DOB: 4/16/2021
83" on 1/17/25

Jet Lag
(Jet Black Chex x Clear Pearl)
DOB: 4/21/2016 
81 1/8" on 4/13/22

Fire Chief
(JR Laredo x CO Firecracker)
DOB: 12/01/2017
80 3/4" on 3/22/24

Shut Up And Do It
(Saddlehorn x Shut Up And Kiss Me)
DOB: 5/03/2015
95" ttt on 12/17/24

LLL Fannie Mae
(Sittin Bull x LLL Annie Oakley)

DOB: 4/10/2010
94 3/16" ttt on 1/23/25

RO Summer Sparkler
(Augustus ECR x CO Firecracker)
DOB: 11/27/2014
91" ttt on 12/17/24

RO Stand Up
(LAR Raylan x RO Standing Ovation)
DOB: 3/20/2019
90 1/4" ttt
on 12/17/24

BH Ripple 820
(Homerun HB x BL Fudge Ripple)
DOB: 5/24/2018
90" on 1/23/25

LLL Sittin Pretty
(Rio Diego x Sittin Time)

DOB: 2/12/2011
89 7/16" ttt on 12/17/24

BH Dazzler
(Patton HB x BH Rio Dazzle)
DOB: 5/18/2017
88" on 1/23/25

CO Cherry Coke
(Winner's Edge x CO Comet)
DOB: 5/26/2011
88" on 3/01/23

RO Snow White
(CV Casanova's Magnum x LLL Sittin Pretty)
DOB: 6/20/2020
88" on 3/07/25

RO Grand Rose
(JP Grand Richy x CO Rose)
DOB: 6/18/2014
87 3/4" on 1/23/25

RO White Party
(CV Casanova's Magnum x CO Fiesta)
DOB: 10/10/2020
87 1/8" on 3/07/25

BH Countess
(Rio Diego x Hang Ten)
DOB: 10/29/2016 
87" on 1/13/25

Queen Beast
(TCC Rios Voomerific (The Beast) x Rio Whiskey Queen)
DOB: 4/26/2019
86 3/4 " on 3/05/25

RO Good Lookin
(LAR Raylan x RO My Oh My)
DOB: 4/14/2019
86 3/8" ttt on 12/17/24

RO Summer Fun
(LAR Raylan x RO Summer Sparkler)
DOB: 4/05/2017
86 1/4" on 2/12/24

RO Reese's Pieces
(JR Laredo x CO Edge's Resolve)
DOB: 12/01/2016
86 1/4" on 1/23/25

BH Poco
(Homerun HB x PCC Poco Bomber)
DOB: 5/10/2017
86" on 4/27/23

RO Smokey Flair
(Lots Of Flair x LLL Smokey Sue)
DOB: 1/01/2018
86" on 5/01/23

RO Magic Ripple
(Magic Man HB x BH Ripple 820)
DOB: 5/05/2021
85" on 10/29/24

CO Juliette
(Awesome Alamo x CO Jules)
DOB: 4/30/2011
85" on 10/18/23

RO Fire N Ice

(LLL Matt Dillon x LLL Blue Smoke)
DOB: 4/04/2013
84 7/8" on 12/07/23

RO Dixie Delight
(JP Grand Richy x Dixie Cup)
DOB: 1/02/2014
84 1/2" on 12/07/23

CO Laredo's Rose
(JR Laredo x CO Red Rose)
DOB: 4/14/2012
84 1/2" on 12/07/23

RO Good Day
(LAR Raylan x RO Daydreamer)
DOB: 5/25/2018
83 3/4" on 2/12/24

BH Sugar Sweet
(Patton HB x BH Sugar And Spice)
DOB: 5/06/2020
82 5/8" on 12/17/24

RO Dragon Fly
(Drag Net x Safari B Angel)
DOB: 4/06/2016
82 3/4" on 2/14/24

SR Clout's Samba
(SR Clout x SR Rio's Tango)
DOB: 12/18/2019
82 3/4" on 12/17/24

RO Southern Breeze
(JR Laredo x CO Phoenix)
DOB: 10/27/2014
82 3/4" on 1/24/25

RO Party Pants
(JR Laredo x CO Fiesta)
DOB: 12/01/2016
82 3/4" on 12/07/23

RO Camp Fire
(Augustus ECR x LLL Blue Smoke)
DOB: 8/10/2016
82 1/2" on 12/07/23

BRR Becca's Tuff Miss
(BRR Brandy's Tuff Boy x JBM Becca II)
DOB: 4/01/2017
82 1/2" on 1/23/25

BH Wonnerful
(Patton HB x BH Delila)
DOB: 4/19/2017
81 7/8" on 12/07/23

RO Sheza Dandy
(LAR Raylan x CO Danica)
DOB: 3/05/2018
81 7/8" on 3/01/23

JR Gretchen
(SHR Wow's Ace x JR Gretel)
DOB: 7/08/2014
81 3/4" on 1/24/25

Pretty Dollie
(Magnum's Silver Bullet x CR Pretty Enough)
DOB: 10/29/2017
80 3/4 " on 8/21/23

V Bar Dragon Girl
(Drag Iron x V Bar Viper's Cowgirl)
DOB: 3/14/2015
80 3/4 " on 9/19/23

Ranch Tantrum
(Temper Tantrum x Ranch Chill)
DOB: 4/17/2013
80 3/8" on 10/06/23

Ultra Fine Stars
(Starbase Commander x Watson 630)
DOB: 4/02/2015
80 1/8" on 2/06/24

Brazos Magic Lady
(Clear Win x BC Magic Rio)
DOB: 9/29/2015
80 1/8" on 2/13/24

RM Magnum Jubilee
(CV Casanova's Magnum x Shadow Jubillee CFA)
DOB: 11/14/2017
80" on 4/19/23

RO Bruschetta
(KDK Valiant x KDK Cash's Creampuff)
DOB: 12/12/2017
80" on 2/13/24

DGF Blue Bell
(CV Casanovas Magnum x DGF Warrior Pricess)
DOB: 5/06/2018
80" on 2/13/24


Here are some of the former Rocking O Club 80 members:

Patton HB
(RHF Sharp Shooter x TCC Shelly's Blue Roan)
DOB: 5/01/2014
95 1/4" at 2022 Horn Showcase

JR Laredo
(KC Just Respect x JR Liberty)
DOB: 5/07/2009
90" on 11/07/21

Clear Spirit
(Clear Win x Dragon Wine)
DOB: 4/05/2014
88 1/16" on 10/08/22

G&L Painted Savage
(G&L Scully x G&L Smitten Kitten)
DOB: 1/03/2012
87 1/2"

BRR Sir Luca
(Cowboy Tuff Chex x BRR Bella Banda)
DOB: 3/17/2017
87 1/2" on 5/08/2023

Chard Iron
(Drag Iron x Finely Forever)
DOB: 4/29/2012 
80 5/8" on 2/21/22

LLL Pretty Lady
(LLL Matt Dillon x LLL Sittin Pretty)
DOB: 5/01/2014 
107 1/4" on 10/18/24 

RO My Oh My
(Rolling Thunder x CO Mercy Me)
DOB: 4/10/2014
97 1/4" on 12/04/23

RO Miracle Win
(LAR Raylan x CO Golden Miracle)
DOB: 3/20/2017
96 5/16" on 11/01/24

LLL Max's Rave
(Maximus ST x PCC Rave)
DOB: 7/11/2010
95 13/16" on 12/02/24

BH Fancy
(Patton HB x BH Pretty Two)
DOB: 11/21/2017
94" on 4/10/24

JTW Cindy Bolen
(Fifty-Fifty BCB x JTW Mermaid Up)

DOB: 11/10/2017
93" on 9/28/24

LLL Sassy Maxi
(Maximus ST x LLL Sassy Girl)

DOB: 7/04/2010
93" on 2/13/24

LLL Tari Sue
(Rio Diego x ECR Eternal Tari 206)

DOB: 2/28/2011
92 5/8" on 2/01/22

LLL Lucky Tari
(LLL Matt Dillon x LLL Tari Sue)
DOB: 4/10/2013
91 1/2" on 12/04/23

Tempting Faith
(Tempter x WO Barbara Ann)
DOB: 5/17/2010
87 5/8" on 6/22/22

TJ Kylie's Klown
(Shrek Chex x LLL Snuggly)
DOB: 12/22/2008 
87 9/16" on 12/07/23

LLL Mary Jo
(Maximus ST x Wiregrass Two Spot)
DOB: 9/20/2010
87 1/2" on 12/07/23

Grand Sally 98
(Grand Coach x Sally Leigh)
DOB: 3/17/2009
87 1/8" on 12/07/23

Tilda May
(BBQ x Stephanie)
DOB: 2/24/2008
87" on 12/09/20

BH Purdy
(Delta Lucky Duck x Sittin Purdy LD)
DOB: 11/27/2019 
86 3/4" on 10/28/24

CO Blondie
(Winner's Edge x CO Goldie Locks)
DOB: 7/08/2010
86 1/4" on 1/08/21

JR Galva
(SHR Wow's Ace x JR Galena)
DOB: 4/25/2015
86" on 12/04/23

BRR Curtain Call
(BRR Brandy's Tuff Boy x Hubbells Rio Darlin III)
DOB: 5/11/2018
85 3/4 " on 2/12/24

CO Edge's Resolve
(Winner's Edge x CO Resolution)
DOB: 3/25/2012
85 1/4" on 12/07/23

CO Mercy Me
(Winner's Edge x CO Mercedes)
DOB: 10/01/2011
85 1/4 " on 4/27/23

LLL Tari Beth
(Rio Diego x ECR Eternal Tari 206)

DOB: 2/06/2011
84 5/8" on 8/13/20

RO Ritz Cracker
(JR Laredo x TC Ritzy Dixie)
DOB: 2/22/2015
84 1/2" on 8/02/18

CO Firecracker
(Awesome Alamo x CO Phoenix)
DOB: 2/05/2012
84" on 5/22/23

LLL Smokey Marie
(Gun Smoke x JR Tazz) 
DOB: 2/20/2011
83 3/4" on 12/07/23

RO Standing Ovation
(Rolling Thunder x CO Winning Respect)
DOB: 9/13/2015
83" on 12/04/23

CO Alamo's Rose
(Awesome Alamo x CO Rose)
DOB: 10/08/2011
82 3/4" on 1/05/21

TC Ritzy Dixie
(JP Grand Richy x Heart of Dixie 11/11)
DOB: 3/19/2010
81 1/8" on 2/12/24

JR Britney
(KC Just Respect x JR Bobbi)

DOB: 4/17/2010
81" on 10/16/23

LLL Tari Anne
(Rio Diego x ECR Eternal Tari 206)

DOB: 2/07/2011
80 1/2" on 1/05/21

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Rocking O Longhorns - Home of "Pretty and Productive" Cattle
Lockhart, TX
Contact Ross at  or  (512) 791-7118
This page and all contents are copyrighted by Rocking O Longhorns. All Rights Reserved.
© COPYRIGHT since 2006